E3 Equipment Protection Program
Film sets are full of people and equipment, each specializing in specific aspects of the filmmaking process. Even a small crew can have tens of thousands of dollars of equipment on hand. You may think it’s difficult, time consuming and expensive to purchase production insurance, but that’s really not the case. Athos Insurance allows you to quickly apply production insurance for a day, week or a year. Depending on your level of coverage, the cost may only be a few hundred dollars. That cost is small compared to the cost of theft, equipment damage, an injury or other incident.
That being said, we understand what it’s like working in the ultra low budget film world. Self-funding a passion project or spec ad is difficult and every penny matters. We understand the financial struggle. We’ve been there. This is why we’re introducing the E3 Equipment Protection Program. Here’s how it works:
For projects where the value of the rented equipment is less than $50,000*, you may purchase this protection program to provide a limitation of liability for damaged equipment. When purchased, this protection program limits your liability in the event of damage to the rented equipment. Your maximum liability of damage is the lesser of 10% of the replacement cost of the equipment or the actual cost of repair. This protection program does not cover:
Damage caused by gross negligence of the equipment
Water damage
Intentional damage or abusive use of the equipment
Equipment that is lost, stolen or otherwise not returned
Please note: if equipment is not returned, you will not be covered by this protection program and you will be liable for the full replacement value of those items. This protection program does not provide any liability coverage, only coverage for damaged & destroyed equipment.
*Some items may not qualify under the E3 Equipment Protection Program even if the replacement value is less than $50k. Enigma 3 reserves the right to decide which clients are eligible for this protection program.
How much does the protection program cost?
The fee is 10% of the rental cost.
You rent a grip kit that has a replacement value of $1,980 and your total rental cost for a one day shoot is $70. You would pay $7 for the protection plan. A flag is torn as you load it into your car at the end of the shoot. The repair cost is $15 and the flag is $200 to replace. Since the repair cost is less than 10% of the replacement cost of the flag, you pay only the repair cost of $15.
You rent a light that has a replacement value of $1,890 and your total rental cost for a one day shoot is $85. You would pay $8.50 for the protection plan. The light gets knocked over on set and must be sent in for repair. The repair and shipping costs $500. Since the repair cost is more than 10% of the replacement cost of the light, you only pay $189. In total you save $302.50.
You rent a RED Komodo, a set of DZOFilm zoom lenses, a 1-ton grip trailer and a 3-light Aputure kit for three days. The replacement value of the package is $37,780 and the total rental price is $2,150. You would pay $215 for the protection plan. While on set your production coordinator runs over the lens case and destroys one of the DZOFilm zoom lenses. The lens is $3,900 to replace. The repair cost to you is only $390, 10% of the replacement cost. In total you save $3,295.
You’re a college student working on a class project and you rent a monitor valued at $3,500. The rental cost is $100 and after your 20% student discount is $80. You would pay $8 for the protection program. The monitor takes a hit and the screen will no longer turn on. The repair is $1,200. The repair cost to you is only $350, 10% of the replacement cost. In total you save $842.
You rent a RED Komodo and pay for the protection program. Upon return, you notice you’ve lost a battery and the charger and you’re unable to locate them. You would pay the full replacement value of the battery and charger as the protection program does not cover loss or theft.